joi, 24 martie 2011


Astazi,cand că gândesc la ce-am făcut ,îmi apare mereu în minte faptul ca am văzut secvenţe cu atotputernicul,inimaginabilul,incredibilul,extraordinarul Leo DiCaprio ,i mean,secvenţe din titanic,nu a fost aşa interesant.mai mult râdeam de reacţiile colegelor mele de clasa :))
apărea ăla într-o secvenţă auzea ecou în clasă : *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw,ce drăguuuţ*,dar eu  * eeeeeeew,ce aiurea* ,şi când a murit el,toate erau ceva gen *aaah,săracul,nuuu* , însă eu *hahaha,cică a muriiiit :))*
a fost distractiv,eu am stat comod,cu picioarele pe claudia,mersi clau.
Recent,am făcut un alt comic :)) mda,am fost extrem de plictisita,însă,uite-l
ow,a trecut ceva vreme de cand ma gandeam eu sa postez asta,asa ca am mai ajuns sa fac un comic,m-a cam lasat inspiratia :)),
dupa cum vezi e cam sec
so,tell me your funny story :]
Tocmai am citit comentariul adrianei,şi mă gândeam să continui povesetea,so,here it is:

   -Yeah,so? DO YOU KNOW HIM?
   -yeah...he's our childhood friend
   -Really? make us two be together,if you do that,i'll be the best friend you'd ever dreamed!
 *the girls stared at each other,and ,as Caroline knew Norah likes Josh,she said*
   -No,i'm sorry,i can't do that ,i'm just...sorry.
   -Whatever,now go away !
The night had passed,and Caroline got the chance to talk to Josh..
  -hey! Long time no see.
   -Yeah...I heard you met Jeremy,he's kinda fun,he said some things about you.
  -Really?Like what?
   -Carrie,are you somehow interested in him?
   -hmm,maybe i'll tell him you like him.
  -Please!No!By the way,you know that blonde roommate of mine?
  - Ooow,she's kinda hot.
   - She likes you...
   - Really?Wow.
   - But don't take it seriously,she's mean,and fake..
   - I'll talk to her.
   - But,what about Norah?
   - What's with her?
   - what do you think of her?
  - you don't know what i think of her?She kicked my ass a few days ago,she's hardcore!
  - yeah...
I think i won't tell her that,she will be very sad to find out josh doesn't think of her as something more than friends.
 - theen,later Josh.
 - Later. ^^
   Caroline went back,looked at Norah,and started to cry,she was disappointed ,Norah asked her what was wrong,but Caroline said:
  - I can't tell you,you'll be disappointed,and i don't want you to feel bad.
  - Doesn't matter,as long as you're here,with me,i will never be sad
  -Okay,so,Josh only thinks of you as a simple friend,no,maybe his best friend,but nothing more,and i think he might want to date Ana,and that's stupid.
  - ooh.. *caroline already knew that Norah was struggling not to let her tears go*
   - We should make her suffer later..or something,but we'll never leave those two be together!
   - No,we shouldn't interfere in their future relationship..
    - We'll see...I have to go,Bye Norah!
Caroline was trying very hard to leave,leaving Norah alone was somehow a mistake,but she should feel free to cry,and not behave strong.
Caroline went in Josh's room,looking for him,she started to shout:  
she thought Josh was there,and she was very angry...
She opened her eyes wide,but Jeremy was there,he just had a shower,he was half naked,just wearing a towel and his hair and body were totally wet.
  -I'm..*blush*..She covered her eyes,but looked through the spaces of her fingers[made by her ofc] and blushed again
  - What is it?
  -Cover yourself with something*bluush*.
  -But i've got my towel ,do you want me to throw this towel away from me or what? *kinky smile*   -Ye..*blush*.. NO! whispering : although you look pretty good like that.
  -what was that?
   -Nothing.when you are showering,don't just cover yourself with a towel and come here,in front of a innocent girl.
   -You may be innocent,but i'm not.  *he pulls her to the wall,comes with his face closer to her and says: "do you want me to teach you how not to be innocent?
  - Stop that!I'm not your toy!
*Josh comes in*
  -I'm teaching her how not to be innocent..
  -okay,sorry for interupting....
   - NO!Josh,wait,we weren't doing anything,i just came to tell you something..
   - Let's go outside...

What will Caroline tell Josh? find out in the next part :>

Song of the day <3

vineri, 18 martie 2011


Fuuny Trollface is funny

Astazi postez doar ca sa mai am un post in plus,desi nu am ce spune,pur si simplu postez.
So,recent m-am apucat de comic-uri,am facut doua pana acum.
aici e primul ->
Si al 2-lea [m-am inspirat putin din postul lui Bloo,ca altfel nu as fi avut deloc Bloo] ->
 Poveste postez data viitoare,acum renunt.
Song of the day 
Panic! at the disco- The overture

Enjoy,and bye :]

duminică, 6 martie 2011


Mda,nu am mai postat de ceva timp,dar nu conteaza ,postez acum :-j
So,recent m-am uitat la Raising Hope,un serial foooaaaarte adorabil <3si amuzant :]
m-am mai uitat si la "No ordinary Family" , chiar daca prima data m-am uitat la serial doar pentru ca joaca Jimmy Bennet in el,acum imi place si mai mult,e ceva gen heroes :-j
oh,yeah,in sfarsit am reusit sa termin primul sezon din gokusen,si l-am inceput pe al 2-lea,e asa draguuut,aproape toti delicventii aia sunt draguti :]

totusi,vreau sa continui povestea

The door opens,a girl with long blonde hair comes,the girls were amazed .She was tall ,and her breasts were huge .But her eyes were scary.Her look  was full of hate.
  -Who the hell are you? the girl asked.
  -Hey ! I'm Caroline,and she is Norah ,we're your roomates ^^.What's your name.
   -Hmpf,whatever,i'm Ana,don't expect that we'll get along,i have my own friends,so don't mess with me!
   -...okay. That was when Caroline and Norah realized that Ana was very fake from top to bottom.
That day Caroline went to the Art Class ,she was curious and incredibly amazed .There were lots of people at that class,at the first time,the person next to her was a guy,he seemed really cold,but when he started to paint,he was awesome ,and she really admired that.
She wanted to start talking to him : 
   - What do you want? He asked.
   - uh,i just wanted to ask you,what's your name?
   - Jeremy,now leave me alone.
   - Hei! i'm just trying to be nice.
   - Sorry,but that's how i am ,so leave me alone.
   - ok..
   - Sorry...i'm just in a bad mood...what's your name?
   - I'm...Caroline.How come you paint so nice?
   - I'm doing this since i was little so..
   - what's your room number?
   - 58A
   - Whoa..
    - What?
    - I'm in room 58B,your room is in front of mine.
   - Nice..Maybe i'll visit you sometimes.. * kinky smile* 
   - *blush*  .. maybe
Caroline already knew that she liked Jeremy a little,so she just started to paint.
She was amazed,she was very talented,and her painting was a masterpiece.

The day had passed and she felt great,she talked with Josh,and found out that Jeremy is his roommate.
When the night came,Ana came in the room and started talking on the phone.When she was done,she started talking with Norah and Caroline.
  -Girls,i've seen a very hot guy a few hours ago,he was tall,his hair was kinda long,and his eyes were gorgeus,and i heard from someone that he doesen't have a girlfriend...aaaaand his name is Josh :>!
Norah was like.."ooookay"
but then,both Caroline and Norah shouted "JOSH?!"

[well,just to let you know,Norah likes Josh,she liked him ever since they met,but she never confessed to  him]
To be continued.

Umm.ultimele zile au fost's the song of the day <3