joi, 24 martie 2011


Astazi,cand că gândesc la ce-am făcut ,îmi apare mereu în minte faptul ca am văzut secvenţe cu atotputernicul,inimaginabilul,incredibilul,extraordinarul Leo DiCaprio ,i mean,secvenţe din titanic,nu a fost aşa interesant.mai mult râdeam de reacţiile colegelor mele de clasa :))
apărea ăla într-o secvenţă auzea ecou în clasă : *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw,ce drăguuuţ*,dar eu  * eeeeeeew,ce aiurea* ,şi când a murit el,toate erau ceva gen *aaah,săracul,nuuu* , însă eu *hahaha,cică a muriiiit :))*
a fost distractiv,eu am stat comod,cu picioarele pe claudia,mersi clau.
Recent,am făcut un alt comic :)) mda,am fost extrem de plictisita,însă,uite-l
ow,a trecut ceva vreme de cand ma gandeam eu sa postez asta,asa ca am mai ajuns sa fac un comic,m-a cam lasat inspiratia :)),
dupa cum vezi e cam sec
so,tell me your funny story :]
Tocmai am citit comentariul adrianei,şi mă gândeam să continui povesetea,so,here it is:

   -Yeah,so? DO YOU KNOW HIM?
   -yeah...he's our childhood friend
   -Really? make us two be together,if you do that,i'll be the best friend you'd ever dreamed!
 *the girls stared at each other,and ,as Caroline knew Norah likes Josh,she said*
   -No,i'm sorry,i can't do that ,i'm just...sorry.
   -Whatever,now go away !
The night had passed,and Caroline got the chance to talk to Josh..
  -hey! Long time no see.
   -Yeah...I heard you met Jeremy,he's kinda fun,he said some things about you.
  -Really?Like what?
   -Carrie,are you somehow interested in him?
   -hmm,maybe i'll tell him you like him.
  -Please!No!By the way,you know that blonde roommate of mine?
  - Ooow,she's kinda hot.
   - She likes you...
   - Really?Wow.
   - But don't take it seriously,she's mean,and fake..
   - I'll talk to her.
   - But,what about Norah?
   - What's with her?
   - what do you think of her?
  - you don't know what i think of her?She kicked my ass a few days ago,she's hardcore!
  - yeah...
I think i won't tell her that,she will be very sad to find out josh doesn't think of her as something more than friends.
 - theen,later Josh.
 - Later. ^^
   Caroline went back,looked at Norah,and started to cry,she was disappointed ,Norah asked her what was wrong,but Caroline said:
  - I can't tell you,you'll be disappointed,and i don't want you to feel bad.
  - Doesn't matter,as long as you're here,with me,i will never be sad
  -Okay,so,Josh only thinks of you as a simple friend,no,maybe his best friend,but nothing more,and i think he might want to date Ana,and that's stupid.
  - ooh.. *caroline already knew that Norah was struggling not to let her tears go*
   - We should make her suffer later..or something,but we'll never leave those two be together!
   - No,we shouldn't interfere in their future relationship..
    - We'll see...I have to go,Bye Norah!
Caroline was trying very hard to leave,leaving Norah alone was somehow a mistake,but she should feel free to cry,and not behave strong.
Caroline went in Josh's room,looking for him,she started to shout:  
she thought Josh was there,and she was very angry...
She opened her eyes wide,but Jeremy was there,he just had a shower,he was half naked,just wearing a towel and his hair and body were totally wet.
  -I'm..*blush*..She covered her eyes,but looked through the spaces of her fingers[made by her ofc] and blushed again
  - What is it?
  -Cover yourself with something*bluush*.
  -But i've got my towel ,do you want me to throw this towel away from me or what? *kinky smile*   -Ye..*blush*.. NO! whispering : although you look pretty good like that.
  -what was that?
   -Nothing.when you are showering,don't just cover yourself with a towel and come here,in front of a innocent girl.
   -You may be innocent,but i'm not.  *he pulls her to the wall,comes with his face closer to her and says: "do you want me to teach you how not to be innocent?
  - Stop that!I'm not your toy!
*Josh comes in*
  -I'm teaching her how not to be innocent..
  -okay,sorry for interupting....
   - NO!Josh,wait,we weren't doing anything,i just came to tell you something..
   - Let's go outside...

What will Caroline tell Josh? find out in the next part :>

Song of the day <3

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