vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

Why not?

God damnit,am asa de multe imagini nice pe care vreau sa le pun pe blog..dar pun doar una,nu vreau sa umplu pagina de imagini :-"
hmm...ce am mai facut..well,nothing
as mai vrea sa incep inca o poveste ,dar intai sa o  termin pe prima :))
asa ca o termin acum,ca nu prea am mai vorbit cu "RV"

he told her he like her
she tells him he likes him
they meet
the end 
glumeam :]]

they haven't chat for like...1 month,but they remembered every time to look up and think "we're under the same sky"
and after that,they started to chat again,one day,she told him
"hei,let's make a promise "
RV: "What?"
Geo: "promise me you'll come in my country after a few years..."
RV:"sure,why not XD"
Geo: "thaaaanks ! btw..there's another promise id'l like to make with you"
RV: "another promise?Spit it out :P"
Geo: "promise'll keep your first kiss until you meet me :">"
RV: "ok..but why"
Geo: "i'll steal it XD"
RV: "no way! you made me laugh so hard :]]"
Geo: "hehe"
and he kept that promise,he kept it until he came there
as soon as she saw him at the airoport,she ran at him,hugged him,and kissed his soft lips,he didn't care that it was his first kiss,he just loved it
after that,he left,and 1 month later ,the girl got a scholarship,and went to a university near RV..and they were just...happy XD


şi acum vreau să scriu despre altceva,animeul meu favorit,cel puţin,acum a devenit favoritul meu Kimi Ni Todoke ,povestea e adorabila,personajele sunt adorabile,şi ceva şi mai adorabil este că au făcut şi film,şi tipul care a jucat rolul lui Kazehaia a plans la premiera filmului,sau un interviu,so adorabile !!
hmm,am inceput sa ma uit la Gokusen,am vazut un episod,si voi mai vedea...dar lenea <3,actori asa simpatici,poveste amuzanta,why not?

melodia zilei

nici nu mai stiu cum am dat peste melodia asta dar imi place ...a.Jung Yong Hwa mi se pare ca e solistul trupei,stii tu,cel care a jucat rolul lui shin woo in you're beautiful

aah,si una asa in plus ca tipul e dragut,dar are vocea cam groasa <3

1 minuni spuse de voi xD:

Rioko spunea...

ok, asta e ciudat.
Cand am vzaut prima data poza am crezut: Gata, asta e, eu sunt tipa cu ochii inchisi si parul relativ scurt. Apoi tu erai in mijloc si apoi Cristiana in cealalta parte..... it`s not like this at all.

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