hehe.cica sunt lenesa,sunt lenesa?nu sunt foarte lenesa,doar ca nu am mai postat in ultima vreme....deloc.. :]]
de cand nu am mai postat s-au intamplat multicele..de exemplu...au inceput sa imi placa dramele coreene O_O mda..nu ma credeam in stare :]] eram fidela doar celor japoneze
insa...mi-a placut o drama foarte mult..Playful Kiss...a fost pur si simplu...ADORABILA! xD
si acum m-am apucat de o alta drama coreeana,You're Beautiful...si eu care ziceam ca nu ma voi uita niciodata..de ce nu mi=-ati spus ca inceputul e asa dragut?sau ca Jeremy e adorabil!! xD :]]
in fine..va recomand o drama prea amuzanta ,si foarte dragutaa,nu are multe episoade,insa baietii din drama sunt prea draguti :x la cum arata ma refer.. :]
se numeste Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge .ti-o recomand
hehe,am terminat cu postul asta. see ya next time >:D<
buh bye
aaaah.si melodia zilei
o ador.vocea ei e absolut perfecta,si faptul ca cu ea au colaborat cei de la Apocalyptica e perfect!! xD
vineri, 31 decembrie 2010
written by some person named
Geo :]
intr-o zi frumoasa de
vineri, decembrie 31, 2010
1 minuni spuse de voi xD

sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2010
kawaii desu~
m-am indragostit de toate imaginile astea :]] whatever,acum razi de mine
sooo,astazi am iesit pe afara si am primit zapada in fata,a fost distractiv in unele momente...dar in alte momente..mai bine plecam de acolo..adica...naaah.e craciunul,distreaza-te.dar si distractia asta are o limita
Fun is fun,and done is done.
aaah,ieri am fost la Hi Hi cu Alina,si cand sa iesim din magazin,ea nu era atenta,vorbea la telefon,a cazut pe jos,a alunecat mai precis.si trece un tip pe langa,o vede pe alina,incepe sa rada,si striga "haa ha,a căzut,acum luaţi zăpadă şi frecaţi-o pe faţă!!" .se apleaca ala si ia niste zapada,Alina fiind inca jos nu observa nimic.dar ala ia zapad,si ii da pe fata Alinei,si ea incepe sa tipe,si eu incep sa tip "Las-o ma in pace!" zi ala zice "aaah,binee,fir-ar" :]] animaluuuul :]]
aaa.si uite imaginile editate
am pus doar numele asa ca nu te mira
DA CLICK SA LE VEZI MAI BINE :] MAI ALES LA ASTA DE MAI SUS ,NU SE VAD TOATE PERSONAJELE :| SI MAI JOS SA VEZI COMENTARII DE LA MINE :]]
btw,am editat imagini doar cu persoane care stiu eu ca mi-ar putea citi blogul,si Claudia :]]
soooo,ceva pentru my dear sis' >:D< mi-e dor de animax Saiko ;[ i miss the familly.. :] luv yaaa' all >:D<
aaah,nu am mai modificat imagini asa de cand a "murit" animax-ul :[
aa,si melodia zileeeeeeeeeeeeei xD
pana acum nu-mi placea chiar asa mult 30 seconds to mars..dar acum mi se par prea misto xD
written by some person named
Geo :]
intr-o zi frumoasa de
sâmbătă, decembrie 18, 2010
1 minuni spuse de voi xD

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010
uuuh :]
Sooo,acum am ajuns sa ma simt prea bine,adineauri am vazut She's out of my league si era asa cute si amuzant filmuul,acum citesc o manga foarte cute,si povestea imi aminteste de cevaaa.... :]] el ii spune ca o iubeste,si chiar daca ea il iubeste din adancul inimii,ii spune nu din cauza unui prieten care a avut accident,apoi ajung in acelasi liceu,iar ea vede cum el se tine de mana cu prietena ei,si desi ea e cu un alt tip,langa care vrea sa stea pentru ca din cauza ei nu mai poate juca baschet,nu isi mai poate urma visul cum vrea ea :-< saaaad...a.si desi e a 2-a oara cand citesc manga asta,plang ca o proasta:))
btw,uita-te .. :|
da click sa vezi mai bine :|
daca vrei sa citesti manga uite-o :[
uuuuuh,dude,am terminat manga aia,e asa cuuuuuuuuuute,o ador :x
uuuuuh,dude,am terminat manga aia,e asa cuuuuuuuuuute,o ador :x
aaah,sa continui povestirea sau sa nu o continui? naaah,alta data xD
aa,si melodia de azi,cea pe care o ascult acum chiar pe un radio :]
bye bye
oh,ceva special pentru o zi de duminica :] imi plac versurileee,le impartasesc si pe astea cu voi :]]
You know it ain't easy
For these thoughts here to leave me
There's no words to describe it
In French or in English
Well, diamonds they fade
And flowers they bloom
And I'm telling you
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
They've been knockin' me out lately
Whenever you come around me
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
I keep thinking in a moment that
Time will take them away
But these feelings won't go away
tot ce e acolo sus are o semnificatie importanta pentru mine :-< xD
now really...byee..cu verdeee :x
written by some person named
Geo :]
intr-o zi frumoasa de
duminică, decembrie 12, 2010
minuni spuse de voi xD

miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010
duuuude,Adriana! de ce ai facut asta? Desii,m-am simtit ca intr-un vis,am ajuns sa ma simt naspaaaa :[ in fine,
maine am tezaaaa :( si eu nu retin nimic :| aproape,si poza aia ma ilustreaza perfeeect :x imi plac lacrimile de pe obrajii ei si din ochii ei xD kawaaiiiiii
in fine,acum nu mai continui povestea ca nu am cu ce,nu am mai vorbit cu tipul ala,vorbesc cu el in week-end
sunt cam obosita asa ca nu mai scriu nimic pe aiciiiiiiiiii :]
bye bye x]
a,da,si melodia de azi,am tot fredonat-o cand am aflat..chestia aia... :-<
aah,la ce ametita sunt azi...si mai si citesc o poveste creepy,dar imi place in acelasi timp :]
written by some person named
Geo :]
intr-o zi frumoasa de
miercuri, decembrie 08, 2010
minuni spuse de voi xD

luni, 6 decembrie 2010
continuarea?:-?? xD
Hehe :] cu castile la urechi xD ca mineeeeeeee ,in fine,mereu mi-a placut imaginea asta,si are si parul scurt xD yay,pacat ca nu are parul de aceleasi culori ca ale mele :]............hmmmm....sooo...astazi a fost o zi...obisnuita,nu am chef sa povestesc de ce s-a intamplat la scoala ca iar imi vin nerviiiiiiiii >.< asa ca pur si simplu vreau sa termin povestirea.Enjoy xD
written by some person named
Geo :]
intr-o zi frumoasa de
luni, decembrie 06, 2010
minuni spuse de voi xD

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010
![]() |
Alright,tot ce am vrut eu a fost sa am o sambata linistita,si insorita.....numai linistita nu e asta 8-|
s-au tampit toti 8-| well,in postul asta vreau sa pun o povestioara mai inventata in unele parti xD
A girl made an account on a chat,on that chat,there was a boy who talked to her,he was a good drawer,he was playing flute before.the girl was happy she met someone so nice on that chat,the boy started to like the girl,the girl started to like the boy,but they never knew each other's feelings :|.They made a promise,the girl said that when she'll grow up ,she'll come to his country to see him.He made the same promise,he said that when he'll grow up,he'll come to see her in her country.The girl had a boyfriend,but when that guy on the chat asked her,she thought for a while,and finnaly said no,she didn't knew why,but she said no,they spoke for like...4 months.One day,the girl felt terrible,because her boyfriend dumped her,and the guy on the chat asked her what's wrong,because he saw that her behavior is weird :| and she couldn't stop telling him the truth,she started crying,but he calmed her.the boy told her his secret,the girl was amazed,but she kept that secret for a long time. one day,the girl was offline,,and when she god online,she saw a message from the boy..but,it wasn't that boy,her sister logged on his account to tell me he had a car accident.the girl was scared,but when she finally had to talk with him,she was alright.After a few weeks,the guy told her he can;t do what he could do until now,his drawing skills were bad and he couldn't play the flute anymore.The girl felt bad,the guy started to cry,the girl's heart was feeling weird.A few days after the guy told the girl he was happy to remember her,the girl asked "why?" and then the guy said "well,i have memory loss,every day i forget something,yesterday i forgot some of my friends,and in this morning,some guy pretended to be my father" .the girl felt terribly bad.She told the guy to do anything to remember her,he listened her..but,he had an ideea,he had to write a journal,and there ,he should write anything he does everyday.the girl almost had her heart broken when the guy told her they can't chat anymore,because he was afraid to hurt her,but she insisted ,she didn't wanted that to happen,and it didn't. they continued.Sometimes,the girl had to remember him his promise,but sometimes...he did remembered the promise.
a few months later they had a weird conversation.the girl asked him if he ever lied to her ,and .he hardly said yes,but he refused to say about what he lied her,he said that if the girl knew the truth she'd hate him,because he is a bad person.The girl hardly believed that he is a bad person.but,he refused to tell her the truth... she wondered what was the thing that he lied her..but she should've wait...
To be continued....
ok,povestea asta are o parte de adevar,insa,are si unele parti inventate 100%,nu dau exemple,sper sa iti placa :]]
melodia zileeeeeei
written by some person named
Geo :]
intr-o zi frumoasa de
sâmbătă, decembrie 04, 2010
1 minuni spuse de voi xD

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